PK Learning & Development

PK Learning & Development

Life at PK Learning & Development Life at PK Learning & Development Life at PK Learning & Development Life at PK Learning & Development Life at PK Learning & Development

Partner Resources


Useful Links


Care Inspectorate


NHS Health Scotland

Social Services Knowledge Scotland (SSKS)

National Social Services Search


Chartered Institute of Housing (CiH)

Perth UHI

Dundee Uni

Stirling Uni

Glasgow Uni

Open University

Quality Assurance

Equal partners in care

PKAVS Mental Health and Wellbeing Hub



Learning and Development can be found in many shapes and sizes, and although as a partnership Perth and Kinross offers a range of opportunities, there are other possibilities out there for us to explore. You may be looking for a different kind of learning environment, you might want to implement a collaborative idea with the community you work with, or it could be that you have heard about some innovative work being implemented in another country and would like to find out more.

Funding for these ‘out of the ordinary’ opportunities is not always realistic for the organisation to financially support, however because they are recognised as helpful to progression, innovation and improvement there are external funding sources which can provide the means. Please have a look at the different links, which through different application processes, provide people with the opportunity to source funding to support learning and development.

On these websites there are many examples of the amazing work supported, such as the Winston Churchill memorial Fund - 

Kirsten Horsburgh travelled to Australia in 2015 to research strategies aimed at reducing drug-related deaths.

Bryce Evans travelled to Peru in 2014 to learn about community kitchens.

The act of real discovery consists not in finding new lands but in seeing with new eyes. 
- Marcel Proust


Funding Opportunities for the workforce to support learning and development

Kings fund

Skills for care


Scottish Government

Scottish Funding Council

My World of Work

Scottish Enterprise

Shared Care Scotland

Communities and Small Businesses

Innovation portal

Funding Scotland

Foundation Scotland

Scottish Enterprise

Community Funds

Innovation centre